Helping others feel seen by their community and by their Creator
Who We Are
We are Andrew and Christina Walters (And our son Jason!). We founded Sawubona Ministries to serve those around the world to help the unseen feel seen. We currently partner with YWAM Montana | Lakeside serving in three different areas on campus.
Summer Programs Directors
To learn more about all that we do, scroll down to see how God has led us to help others feel seen in so many areas of life!
What Does Sawubona Mean?
Sawubona is a Zulu greeting, used when meeting another it translates directly into “I see you”. This powerful statement speaks to more than just an acknowledgement of ones presence. That is seen when another responds. The response to Sawubona is Ngikhona which translates to “Because you see me, I exist”.
This beautiful interaction highlights our relationship with one another and our relationship with God. Our existence is found in Christ and in His community. Our heart is to see this interaction lived out, ministering to those who feel unseen and unheard in our communities and around the world.
Mother’s Ministry
Seeking to fostering a sense of community around meals for mothers, Christina creates spaces where expecting mothers, empty-nesters and every mom in-between could find solace, advice, and spiritual refreshment amidst the highs and lows of their shared journey in raising children.
Admissions Ministry
Andrew’s primary role at Youth With A Mission | Lakeside Montana is serving as the Director of Admissions. He serves the 22 Training programs that are offered throughout the year, getting to share the heart of missions and the world of opportunities available to the next generation of Christians. Click below to hear the exciting growth happening in student admissions!
Guest House Ministry
Hosting goes far beyond having a room to stay in, but involves inviting someone and all of their struggles into one’s home. Sharing in one another’s highs and lows and making your home into a home for all. In hosting over 60 people in our house in the last two years, we have seen testimony after testimony of God using what we have to heal hearts, renew relationship with God and breathe hope to those who need it. Click below to hear testimonies from our guests and what we are doing to improve.
Discipleship Ministry and Personal Trips
Discipleship Training and Mission Trips are the driving force of YWAM Montana | Lakeside. We are passionate about teaching young Christians how to share the Gospel and their testimony in powerful and effective ways. Then leading them into the least reached parts of the world to share with some of the most unseen people in spiritual and practical ways. Click below to see all the places that we have gone!
Contact Sawubona Ministries
Feel free to contact us with any questions!
Andrew: (678) 458-1119
Christina: (303) 621-4126